Powder coating has numerous benefits, but one of its biggest advantages over other finishing methods is the environmental benefits that it possesses. Unlike traditional wet paint, powder coating is considered a much ‘greener’ method that doesn’t generate harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. At UK Powder Coating Services here in Suffolk, we provide environmentally friendly powder coating for clients from a variety of different industries, with a guaranteed quality finish ensured for every application. Here, we’ve listed some of the reasons why powder coating is much less harmful for the environment than paint.
Minimal Air Pollution and VOCs
One of the many drawbacks to using traditional wet paint is the VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that it emits, which damage the atmosphere and are a huge contributor to air pollution. VOCs can also cause health issues for those breathing in a highly concentrated amount of these fumes. With powder coating, there are no resulting air pollutant or health issues, with only a negligible number of VOCs contained in the powder itself.
Paint Recycling
Here at UK Powder Coating Services, we use our high-tech Gema production line to powder coat for our clients. Our process produces minimal amounts of waste with our cutting-edge paint recycling feature, where paint overflow is reduced. We are able to easily collect any excess powder and reuse this in applications going forwards.
No Hazardous Waste
Because of the chemical composition of paint, it contains solvents, which produce additional harmful fumes. When disposed, paint is considered hazardous waste, and requires adequate disposal techniques to be used. In comparison, powder coating does not contain any harmful solvents, so is not classed as hazardous waste. At our powder coating facility, any excess waste (that cannot be recycled) can easily be discarded without the use of specialist equipment.
Begin Your Powder Coating Project
Here at UK Powder Coating Services, we care about the environment as well as the quality of our products, and customer satisfaction. For our professional powder coating services, contact our experts today on 01440 706218 or email Info@ukpowdercoatingservices.co.uk.